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Coach's Playbook Posted by Team Topstep March 13, 2022

To Day Trade Crude Oil or NOT

To Day Trade Crude Oil or NOT

The potential for windfall profits might seem enticing in the Crude Oil futures market right now, however, there are other considerations to keep in mind. This week, the Topstep coaches take on the question of whether or not this is a good time for day traders to be in the Crude Oil market.

The additional risk that accompanies an increase in volatility should be one of the first things on your mind. The thought of making big money is exciting, we get that, and we’re not trying to scare you away either, we just want you to be aware of how real the potential for big losses is also. If one wild swing is enough to take you out of the market, then maybe it’s time to ask yourself if you should be trading a different product right now.

Stay Safe an Trade Well!