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Market News Posted by John Doherty July 21, 2024

Weekly Kickoff Levels from John Hoagland


Every Friday afternoon, Topstep Performance Coach John Hoagland fires up his charts to find his Weekly Kickoff Levels, which identify the trends and “areas of importance” futures traders should look out for in the coming week.

Read on to see what John’s keeping his eye on…

hoag’s levels for the week of July 21, 2024

Crude Oil

Contract: CLU4

Market Direction: Lower

Areas of Importance: 81.50 & 76.50

CLU4 07-21-2024



Contract: GCQ4

Market Direction: Sideways

Areas of Importance: 2465.0 & 2365.0

GCQ4 07-21-2024


Euro FX Futures

Contract: 6EU4

Market Direction: Lower

Areas of Importance: 1.0990 & 1.0858

6EU4 07-21-2024


dow jones

Contract: YMU4

Market Direction: Lower

Areas of Importance: 41,500 & 40,080YMU4 07-21-2024


Contract: NQU4

Market Direction: Lower

Areas of Importance: 20,500 & 19,500

NQU4 07-21-2024


S&P 500

Contract: ESU4

Market Direction: Lower

Areas of Importance: 5700.00 & 5500.00

ESU4 07-21-2024